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Ester Andrina - Perugia 2024


When I moved to the beautiful city of Perugia nine years ago, I wanted to get involved in the social life of the area as soon as possible. Enjoying a 'Sagra', a festive meal, with Italians in one of the picturesque medieval villages in the rolling hills of Umbria. Attend an outdoor concert or shop for food in the local markets. There is so much to do in Umbria, from wine events to truffle markets to Umbrian jazz.


But... information can be hard to find. Sometimes there is only a poster in Italian that you have to stumble upon. These are the most fun events, because they are not for tourists and therefore very authentic. Now that I have lived here for a while, I know what there is to do and where to find the information.


On this page you'll find everything in one place, translated into English, and I'll update it weekly and check the links. For the time being it is the events and the 'Made in Umbria' shop with beautiful products from the region, but soon there will be more activities and every now and then a fact, a story about Umbria. If you would like to be notified when something special happens, leave your email address and I will keep you informed.

Enjoy Umbria, the green heart of Italy!

Ester Andrina

Living in Umbria

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