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Sagra in Umbria

Ester Andrina - 23 June 2024

Join a Sagra and Celebrate the Summer with the Umbrians


At this time of year, Umbria is buzzing with 'sagre' (village festivals) celebrating the summer, the harvest, or a local saint. Taking part in one is a fantastic way to get to know the area and enjoy an authentic Italian experience. A sagra is usually served at long tables, with excellent local wine and live music for dancing.


The menu features regional specialities, and some dishes are still based on ancient traditions. Like the 'Sagra delle Fregnaccia' in Otricoli. After the hard work of harvesting, the community would eat a simple but nutritious toasted bread called 'fregnaccia'. There was no time to spend long in the kitchen, since all hands were needed to bring in the harvest.


Joining a Sagra is a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with village life. If you want to give it a try, click here for a list of events including upcoming sagre 


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